Collagen: The Elixir of Youth?

What is it? Why do we want more?

Everyone seems to be talking about collagen right now. From celebrities to scientists, collagen has been having a moment for a while. And there’s no denying, it is a vital part of our biology.

Collagen is the most abundant natural protein in our bodies, making up around 30% of our body mass. Most people know it as the plumping agent in our skin responsible for its strength and elasticity, but all the fuss is around collagen loss: our body’s production of it drops off around 1% every year from around the time we reach mature adulthood (around 21).

That would be depressing enough news in itself, but collagen is not just responsible for a youthful, peachy skin. The rest of that 30% is found throughout our entire body. It is the glue that holds our ligaments, tendons and bones together. It’s found in elastic cartilage, muscles, arteries and organs. It’s even in our eyes.  As we age, either our body’s production of it slows down and eventually stops or the quality of the collagen produced deteriorates (no-one seems to be quite sure). Either way, this lack of quality collagen contributes to all sorts of degenerative disorders. These include osteoarthritis, brittle bones (osteoporosis), aching muscles and vascular disease. Not to mention those crow’s lines and wrinkled, saggy skin.

So can we increase our collagen levels?

The scientific community has universally rubbished the application of facial or body creams containing collagen. Collagen in creams cannot be absorbed into the skin: the molecules that make it up are simply too large to pass through the skin barrier. Some facial oils, however, can encourage collagen production (see below).

But more has been made recently of collagen supplements and their supposed benefits – from youthful skin and healthy hair to pain-free joints. Emerging scientific evidence suggests that the collagen supplements may be useful to many of us, not just those who want to try and retain some semblance of youthful vitality in our skin and locks but, more importantly, help us keep our joints and bones healthy. Studies have shown that collagen supplements help with osteoarthritis and early studies show that they may even improve bone density – and thus help prevent osteoporosis  – in menopausal women.

If you want to take collagen supplements the key is to understand  that collagen can’t be absorbed in its natural form. It has to be broken down into smaller peptides or amino acids before it can be absorbed. Oral collagen supplements come in the form of pills and powders and usually contain two or three amino acids. They are sold as “collagen peptides” or “hydrolyzed collagen” so these are the type to invest in. They are usually made from bovine or fish derivatives, but vegan formulations are available. The theory is that collagen is not specific to the type you ingest, but that the amino acids (and other ingredients) found in supplements encourage your body to produce more of its own collagen and direct it to where it’s needed.

Natural collagen production

But what can you do if you don’t want to – or can’t afford – to buy expensive supplements and you want to stimulate your body’s collagen production naturally? Fortunately, there are several ways you can help your body do this.

Five ways to stimulate collagen production

  • Massage and facial tapping

Since stress hormones break down collagen, relaxation techniques such as facial tapping and massage help reduce stress and therefore prevent collagen-loss related-facial lines. Massage also stimulates blood circulation which is linked to collagen production. Finally, using certain essential oils as part of the massage – particularly carrot seed, lemon, geranium, neroli and frankincense – is thought to help encourage collagen production in the skin.

  • Vitamin C and protein

Combine eating protein-rich foods with foods rich in vitamin C. When your body makes collagen it needs vitamin C (found in fruits such as kiwis, mangos and citrus fruits) to interact with amino acids – nutrients you get from protein-rich foods such as beef, chicken, fish, beans and eggs. Quinoa is an excellent choice as it is a rich source of five different amino acids.

  • Cut out sugar and simple carbohydrates

Sugar bonds with proteins in your body in a process called glycation. Simple carbs cause your insulin levels to spike which increases inflammation in the body. The sugar-bonded proteins produce free radicals and inflammation produce enzymes: both of these destroy your collagen. Oh and also, don’t smoke.

  • Bone broth

Bone broth is having a moment (for non-veggies at least)! Considered to have nutritional and healing benefits, bone broth is rich in the amino acids required to make collagen – they leach out of the bones in the cooking process.

  • Aloe vera

Recent studies have suggested that aloe vera taken as a drink or supplement can have a measurable effect on collagen production. It is also anti-inflammatory, so helpful in counteracting the harmful effects of sugar and carbs on collagen.

So there you have it. The low-down on collagen. I’d love to know if you take a collagen supplement and whether you have found it to be helpful? I add mine to a smoothie I have most days, which for me is the easiest way to take it.

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